Rabu, 24 Juli 2013


Science Technology and Value

Science and technology is often associated with values ​​or morals. It is a great concern when the perceived impact through development policy, which in essence is the application of science and technology.

Application of knowledge, especially technology are often less concerned about values, morals or his human aspects. Such circumstances are not spared from development philosophy itself, in determining the choice between production orientation with a strong economic motive, with a value orientation concerning humanitarian aspects sometimes have to pay more expensive.

Science it can be viewed as a product, a process, and as an ethical paradigm (Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1984). Science because science is seen as a process is the result of social darikegiatan, who tried to understand nature, man and his behavior either individually or in groups. What is produced by science as it is today, is the result of reasoning (ratio) objectively. Science means knowledge as a product obtained from a recognized method of science in general and universal nature. Therefore verifiable science, so it is not impossible that an established theory may someday be overthrown by another theory. 

Science as a science, because science than universal, communal, also tools at once can convince skeptics, just not easy to accept the truth. IImu is not a destination but as a tool or a means to improve the lives of humans. with attention and priority to nature and human dignity and the conservation of the natural environment.


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